Benefits of Horticultural Farming

Horticultural farming refers to the process of growing plants for consumption and/or other non-food purposes. This is an ancient and very lucrative industry in India that has grown significantly over the past century. Many fruits and vegetables are produced commercially. These include citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, lemons and limes and the likes.

horticultural farming


Horticulture has come a long way since its inception in the 18th century. Initially, horticulture was focused more on producing a crop that could be consumed. But with the advancements in horticulture over the years, horticulture has also become a business that produces a cash crop as well as a source of income. Most cash crops grown by horticultural farmers in India are vegetables, which account for almost 60% of the horticultural production.


Vegetable harvests are usually large yields in a year. This is because horticulture relies on cross-harvesting, where one crop is grown in season and the next is grown a few weeks later. Cross-harvesting means that one crop is divided in half, and the crops coming from each half are generally of the same age, quality and variety. These crops are then marketed in different regions, depending on the money it could bring in. This horticultural practice increases yields per crop.


In India, horticulture is a cash-crop that not only supports villagers but also the country itself. As more Indian farmers get involved in this business, prices of vegetables and fruits have drastically come down in the market. The government encourages the growth of horticultural crops by compensating the farmers who have helped in improving the quality of horticulture. However, the lack of awareness among the common public about the importance of horticulture in improving the harvest has led to several misconceptions about it. Some people think that horticulture only helps farmers produce more for their own consumption, while others think that farmers grow more fruits and vegetables simply because they want to earn more.


Because of these misconceptions, horticultural farming has slowly gained a negative connotation in the minds of many Indian consumers, especially those who live in the rural areas. To encourage local production, the government encourages farmers to grow small farms in return for some form of benefits. For instance, a farmer who grows five acres can claim tax breaks and other financial advantages. This is because horticultural farming helps improve the soil, air and water quality of a particular location.


There are also numerous other benefits associated with horticultural farming, including improved soil fertility, pest control and pest growth management, increased crop yields, and increased income. With the help of modern technology, farmers are now able to breed diseases-resistant plants, which help them increase yields. This helps the farmers to feed more people and reduce the costs related to feeding these people. Also, horticultural crops have the ability to absorb and retain excess moisture, thus reducing water pollution.


The demand for horticulture products has increased over the years, especially because many Americans have become health conscious. A study conducted in 2021 found that American diets had declined in recent years, resulting in an increase in horticultural production. In India, horticulture is especially popular because the soil is so poor; most farmers depend on horticultural crops as their only source of food. In addition, India has the largest variety of horticultural crops in the world, allowing its farmers to experiment with various crops. Another major benefit of horticulture is that the country’s water supply is excellent, allowing many farmers to grow a wide variety of crops that require less water. Moreover, horticultural crops in India have been proven to resist diseases, which helps reduce the risks of diseases and pests to the plants.


Much like agriculture, plant cultivation is another important sector in India that has benefited from the globalization of technology. However, the practice of horticulture is much different than traditional farming. As opposed to plant cultivation, horticulture is the art and science of growing living plants in soil, creating habitats for them, and then harvesting the plants. In recent times, with the advancement of technology, horticulture has been made even easier. In fact, it has now been considered a lucrative career choice. India is one of the world leaders in horticulture, and horticulture-related jobs are in great demand in India.

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